
- Attend IEP and 504 Meetings
- Assist Parent to Articulate Concerns and Desires for Student's Educational Needs
- Work Collaboratively with Private and Public Consultants
- Plan and Strategize before Meetings
- Review Educational Records
- Make Recommendations About Your Child's Educational Program
- Attend SST and Response to Intervention Meetings
- Attend Parent and Teacher Conferences
- Conduct school/ Classroom Observations
- Review Private and /or Public School Assessment Reports
- Draft Letters and Written Requests to the School
- Provide list of Referrals for Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Attorneys, Psychologists, if needed
- Provide Referrals to Community Resources
- Provide Information About School Placement Options
- Educate and Coach parents about Educational Rights
- Educate and Coach parents Regarding all aspects of the IEP and 504 Process
- Collaborate with Professional Personnel to Meet Unique Need of Each Student
- Consult with families in resolving disputes with the School District